Monday, May 5, 2008

The adventure begins!

When I was a kid I always got sick to my stomach any time I was nervous about something, but also when I was really on Christmas morning or the day of a field trip. This morning I woke up early with the same feeling in my gut. Although my stomach feels a bit uneasy my mind is oddly at peace. I really thought I might have an anxiety attack or a nervous breakdown. Today I leave for Sarajevo. I seriously can't believe it! I have been anticipating this day for months and its finally arrived. I have said goodbye to everyone except my parents and my little brother. I'm pretty much all packed with a few exceptions. There is nothing left here for me to do. It's the craziest thing thinking that in about 30 hours or so I will be in a different country, sleeping in my new bed in my new apartment there. My adventure is really starting and I am so nervous but so dang happy!
One more thing... thanks for your love and support. I will miss you!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Oh my! It's finally here! Good luck and stay close to the Lord. You'll be great!